October 2020

Social Curator Jasmine Star

Social Curator Jasmine Star


Social Curator with Jasmine Star, helps individuals and businesses in planning their social media content as well as establishing a social media calendar. Social media is currently the number one marketing channel for business owners. Therefore, connecting with your customers, clients on social media is key to winning market shareContinue Reading

Nearshore technology

Why Nearshore technology is the future of outsourcing


NearShore technology is a new term that means migrating your business operations to another country that is near your current area of operations. This means that the company you outsource your operations to is within the same region as your own perhaps with similar or slightly different business environments. Indeed,Continue Reading


CPTED design strategies


Introduction The world today is full of criminal activities. Nevertheless, people are getting accustomed to this reality. Deliberations on this matter have conventionally focused on punishment and arrest as opposed to crime prevention mechanism which cannot be implemented until after a crime has been committed.  Crime prevention provides immense benefitsContinue Reading

IT Operations Management Functions

IT Operations Management Functions


The following functions are IT Operations Management Functions Marketing Often software services once developed need to be exposed to the market and potential customers informed of the existence of such products. Often IT Operations Management Functions require the expertise and skills to market these products. This is why most ITContinue Reading


Types of Repos


There are six types of repos namely buy-sale repo where the security is out rightly disposed and bought back concurrently by the security holder for later date settlement. There is also classic repo where the seller simply repurchases the assets at a similar price at which it was sold thenContinue Reading


Cyber-attack-Norway suffer Email system attack.


Cyber-attack: Top Norway Legislative organ a cyberattack on its Email system in August of 2020. Preliminary investigations in the Scandinavian Nation suggest that Russia might have had a hand. Nevertheless, Russia has vehemently denied the allegations referencing it as a “serious and willful provocation.” They also claimed that no evidenceContinue Reading